Press Release: UK Police Launch Industry Charter to Deliver Top Service to the Public

News and information from the Advent IM team.

Policing Partners publicly commit to Improve Security within UK Police

UK Police forces are a huge target for security attacks, given their collation of highly sensitive information. The main reason for information security breaches is human error, therefore all roles within a Police force need to understand their security responsibilities and the risks associated with their actions. But they also need to know how to use and share information to support policing objectives. To that end, Advent IM which has worked with UK Police Forces for over 20 years, both as security consultants and trainers, has recently joined the Police Industry Charter, with the aim to continue and build upon the collaborative relationships and actively improve security and data management in UK Police Forces.


Advent IM are a security consultancy and training provider, and with their recent sign up to the Police Industry Charter, are aiming to significantly improve security within UK Police Forces. In 2023 alone, there were tens of thousands of people who were affected by data breaches within UK Police forces, the most significant coming from PSNI, as 9500 individual officers had their data accidentally uploaded to the internet, in response to a ‘Freedom of information Request.’ Advent IM’s commitment has been greatly enhanced by the recent launch of their Training Academy. This offers training and education to police staff, from entry to the very senior levels, and includes frontline officers and civilian staff.


The launch of UK Police Industry Charter is a great way to demonstrate a commitment to UK Policing. Any organisation who is signed up to the charter, have agreed to follow the 5 principles;

  • Designing products, services and system on the principle of interoperability first
  • Adopting a Maximum Transparency by Default (MTBD) position for products and services
  • Supporting the professional development of practitioners and senior leaders
  • Supporting UK policing in delivering sustainability
  • Collaboration and partnership

This is what Advent IM are publicly committing to do. Their police consultancy services, as well as their training, are entirely police-centric and the consultants and trainers are police-literate.


Here is what Advent IM’s operations director, Julia McCarron, had to say about the launch of their Training Academy;

Advent IM is a long-standing supplier to the UK’s police forces for over 20 years and we whole heartedly support the new Police Industry Charter, which promotes the fundamental basis upon which we deliver all of our services; that of partnership, communication, collaboration and transparency. Being a governance, risk and compliance security consultancy we work with many police forces already to ensure that information, assets and premises are managed in a way that supports operational policing, enabling officers to do their job whilst still ensuring data security, protection and privacy through assured communication, systems and access. Our Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO), Information Asset Owner (IAO) and Data Protection Training also has a direct impact on the professional development of senior police practitioners and leaders in line with the Charter’s principles. We look forward to seeing the Charter’s adoption grow, collaborating with other suppliers and continuing to work in partnership with forces and the wider supplier community to ensure future opportunities and challenges around systems interoperability and information governance and management can be met.

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