Public Sector Information Asset Owner (IAO) Advanced

The final step on your IAO Education Journey


Find out more about the IAO Summer Package offer here.

Course Description

As the final step in the Advent IM Information Asset Owner (IAO) Education Journey, our fully supportive training program for IAOs, and to build on our successful IAO Intermediate course, we have developed IAO Advanced. The completion of this course indicates a comprehensive understanding and application of the IAO role by the delegate.

It combines their in-role experience with a deeper understanding of not only information risk management but also data protection and communication with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). They will operate with increased knowledge and confidence in their abilities and experience. Fully fledged IAOs will bring organisational benefits of efficiency and developed information risk management. This course is designed to enable this completion and fully realise the potential of each IAO.


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Who Should Attend

This is a full-day course and is designed for experienced IAOs with a minimum of six months in post or who have completed our IAO training course as part of the Advent IM IAO Education Journey. They should work within UK Public Sector organisations and require a more developed understanding of their role and responsibilities as IAO.

Course Outline

The training looks at the following key areas:

  1. The current threat landscape to UK and Public Sector information and ICT systems focussing on:
  1. The principles of information assurance and information risk management and the importance of governance and leadership:
  1. Mandatory IA roles and their responsibilities:
  1. Managing and responding to information security incidents

Course Downloads

Public Sector Information Asset Owner Advanced Training

Course Outline

What Our Clients Say About IAO Training

“I was completely new to IAO so this course has helped me to understand what my responsibilities are and how they fit in with the wider organisation”

Digital Health and Care Wales, IAO Intermediate Training Digital Health and Care Wales, IAO Intermediate Training

“Improved data custodianship will reduce organisational compliance risk, make for leaner more accurate information access and stewardship and reporting, saving time, cost and enhancing quality. “

Northern Lighthouse Board, IAO Intermediate Training Northern Lighthouse Board, IAO Intermediate Training

“I have a much better understanding of the roles of the IAO and IAM and a broader appreciation of what is covered by the term data protection.”

Maritime & Coastguard Agency, IAO Intermediate Training Maritime & Coastguard Agency, IAO Intermediate Training

IAO Intermediate

Data Protection


Central Government

Course Enquiry

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Visit our IAO Education Journey

What Our Clients Say About IAO Training

“It will allow me to take more time to consider the consquences of mis-handling information and identifying and recording near misses”

-Shropshire Fire and Rescue, Public Sector Information Asset Owner Intermediate (IAO) Training 

“It has helped cement what I knew previously and has given me areas to look at. This includes making my IAO more aware of the systems”

-Maritime & Coastguard Agency, Public Sector Information Asset Owner Intermediate (IAO) Training 

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