Is Local Government doing enough to Avoid Data Breach?

News and information from the Advent IM team.

  • by Olivia Lawlor-Blackburn
  • General

What are the driving forces behind data breaches in Local Governments in the UK? We already know that data breaches are an increasingly prevalent threat, so are organisations doing enough to prevent them? This video looks at the causes of the most common data breaches within UK Local Governments and what can be done to avoid them next time.

Local Governments in the UK are undergoing fast digital transformation and moving as many public services as they can online. Organisation requirements to protect citizen’s personal data along with the additional data local governments may have including data related to staff and service users are becoming more challenging.

Along with malicious attempts to gain access to these digital environments resulting in breaches by criminals, we also need to consider the risk exacerbated by internal human error, which limits what people can reasonably be expected to do to uphold the organisation’s security.

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